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Lover's favourite




Discover the Inspiring Journey of Ambre, Our Seminar Coordinator and Long-time Inwood Lover! 

Ambre started her career as a receptionist and has since evolved into her current role. Passionate about the diversity of her tasks, she shares her best memories, favorite places in the region, and local recommendations, while explaining why Hôtel Le B d'Arcachon is a must-visit destination in the Bassin d’Arcachon.


A Journey Full of Discoveries

Ambre began her journey at Arcanse (formerly Hôtel de la Plage) in 2020 as a trainee, undergoing a 14-month training programme as a receptionist. During this time, she also worked at the breakfast service and handled room checks. Despite the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, which led to the hotelclosing twice following government announcements, Ambre successfully completed her training and graduated. In May 2021, she was hired on a permanent contract as a polyvalent receptionist. Today, Ambre holds the position of Group and Reception Coordinator, overseeing both of our hotels in Arcachon: Arcanse and Le B d’Arcachon.

When Ambre first started at Hôtel de la Plage, she felt overwhelmed but was also in awe of her colleagues who managed seminars alongside reception duties. She never imagined she would handle so many responsibilities! When the former head receptionist left, Ambre was appointed as the seminar coordinator in June 2022, while still working as a receptionist. It was then that she learned to work with Pablo, Inwood’s Group Manager, and Astrid, his sales assistant. She learned new procedures, developed new organizational skills, and discovered a new way of working.

Although she enjoyed working at the reception, Ambre decided to focus solely on seminars as she began exploring new opportunities. In October 2023, Inwood offered her the position of Group and Seminar Coordinator for the two hotels in Arcachon, Arcanse and Le B d’Arcachon. This allowed her to grow while doing what she loved the most.

What she enjoys most about her job is the variety of tasks: she handles almost all administrative work from receiving contracts, organizing seminar rooms, arranging catering, managing supplies, and ensuring the smooth running of business stays. She is very happy to have this role within both hotels and will always be grateful for the trust placed in her.

Through her various experiences at the hotel, Ambre has gotten to know new teams and become attached to them. She will never forget the laughs shared in the office with Anne-Claire, Beatriz, and Julie, as well as in the kitchen with Nicolas and Alexandra. She also remembers Léa's joy of life since joining the group, making her experience at Inwood more pleasant. Her fondest memory is the laughter they shared when she brought back a Breton speciality to the office after a holiday, which absolutely everyone disliked, and she ended up taking it back home!



A Local Expert!

Ambre has two favorite places in the region. The first is undoubtedly Robinson Beach, a little paradise nestled between the pine forest, the Dune of Pilat, and the ocean. Unfortunately, following the 2022 fires, this wooded area was completely burnt. Her second favorite place is the quays of Bordeaux. She loves to wander around, enjoy the sun, and observe her surroundings, which brings back fond memories of her time spent there during her studies. She really appreciates the contrast between the absolute calm of the Bassin d'Arcachon and the vibrancy of Bordeaux.

For an unforgettable stay in the Bassin d'Arcachon, Ambre highly recommends the bar-restaurant Les Terrasses du Port, located at the port of Arcachon. She is never disappointed with the menu, the atmosphere is always great, and guests can enjoy the rooftop and the DJ set during the summer, making for perfect summer evenings and lifelong memories.

Why Visit Le B d'Arcachon According to Ambre? In addition to being located in the heart of the town, close to the beach and shops, this hotel offers spacious rooms tastefully decorated, along with a dedicated team to ensure every guest enjoys their stay to the fullest. It’s a sure bet!

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